Welcome to Jack's Workshop

Jack's Home Layout Page (Click Here)
Jack's Electrical AP Work (Click Here)
Building a Power House (Click Here)
Remember the old days?
DC controls at Jack's family home.
News 1/1/21
Jack is working on the Park Place Club Layout.
NEWS 9/28/20
Jack is rebuilding the diesel shop at Park Place with structures and equipment from his original layout.
Jack installed several Atlas turnouts in his new facility and to connect to the main line.

The Railroad Club Room reopened at Park Place in Elmhurst IL.
After many months 3 members may work on the layout. The club has added Digitrax LNWI LocoNet WIFI Interface allowing cell phone WIFI operations for 4 phone apps.
How does a eighty plus year old
Model RR (75years) keep from going insane while being sequestered in an old folks home?

Answer: He goes through his x-year plus and boxes of junk and starts rebuilding.

The pictures show a Southern Crescent Limited passenger train, process of being up graded: new steel wheels, new couplers.

Next will be interior LED LIGHTS.

6/12/2020 Update
Although model railroading is my prime passion, I have been doing other activities as a captive of the virus shutdown.
Going into week ten of being cooped up, I needed once again to explore passion two, stained glass, and three, puzzle making.
Living in an elderly living facility, I have put together several stained glass nativities
for friends who have lost their partners.
Nativity in Stained Glass

Not forgetting my partner, we have put together old railroad puzzles.

This is the main line for Illinois Central system going south with photographs of the IC city of New Orleans, City of Georgia and the South Shore Electric as they pass by the Conrad Hilton Hotel.
The future holds more model railroading, not sure what area. I will keep you posted.
Jack is planning the Turnout Control System for the Model Railroad layout at Park Place in Elmhurst IL
Jack is printing 3D models on the Elmhurst IL Library Maker Space printer.

Interior for Short MDC Passenger Coach.
Interior for Short MDC Baggage Car.
These were printed from a TLMRC 3D .stl file on the 3D printer at the Maker Space in the Elmhurst Public Library.
This is one of their 2 Maker Bot Printers that are on line for members of the Elmhurst Library.
This is a third 3D Printer that you may Jack may use at the Maker Space.
If Laser cutting or etching is needed for a model structure or other item this is the Maker Space Laser.
If sewing or quilting is in your Maker box they have the space and equipment for that and more.

Just walk in and ask about the Maker Space.
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Join us in the “Greatest Hobby” as a member of the TLMRC.